Why did the FDA ban all flavored cigarettes but not MENTHOLS?
All the different flavored cigarettes that was thought to be attracting kids is now banned but not regular cigarettes or menthols! Why didnt they just ban all of them? Why is menthols an exception? Isnt it the tobacco thats the health problem and not those flavors? Its like saying fruit and chocolate cigarettes are bad but regular and menthols are "ok". I have yet to see any kids smoking clove cigarettes but I know a lot of them like menthols!
Whats with this? Does the FDA or the Government have any brains?
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You menthols as in Nigarettes
Hippocrates Health Institute's Dr. Brian Clement speaks about the possibility of a menthol cigarette ban.
FDA Panel Recommends Ban On Menthol Cigarettes – The ...
If you like your cigarettes minty fresh, you might want to start stocking up now. Earlier today an FDA panel announced that a ban on menthol smokes would be a good thing for the public health. After the FDA was given the ...
South Africa to Ban Menthol Cigarettes | TopNews Arab Emirates
Menthol-Cigarettes It has been reported that the government of South Australia is just one step close to imposing a ban on the trade of menthol cigarettes. The youngsters are believed to be vulnerable to falling into the traps of ...
FDA Declines to Ban Menthol Cigarettes – Personal Injury and ...
A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel has stopped short of recommending a ban on menthol cigarettes despite evidence that the cigarettes are a factor in the rise of smoking among youth. The panel instead ...
Making trade work for public health | Gates Cambridge
A key part of this political compromise was exempting menthol from the flavoured cigarettes ban. Health researchers have shown that menthol smokers have less elastic demand, and that many would keep smoking the ...
FDA Committee Considers Ban on Menthol Cigarettes В« South ...
FDA Committee Considers Ban on Menthol Cigarettes. FDA committee considers ban on menthol cigarettes after a report suggests the mint flavor makes them more attractive and addictive to new users. Click here to watch the ...
FDA Banned Flavored Cigs, But Not Menthols. Why? – The ...
It worked—75% of menthol cigarettes in the U.S. are smoked by African Americans. So why wasn't menthol included on the banned additives list? Why was a subset of Americans neglected in this wide-reaching smackdown ...
Tread the middle path: Cloves Cigarettes case - Will the ban be lifted?
4.It can institute a temporary ban on menthol cigarettes that would “sunset” after the conclusion of the scientific report. After a temporary ban sunsets, Congress can choose to extend or eliminate it entirely. How would the U.S. ...
Hell Nest В» Blog Archive В» Menthol Cigarettes Banned Capsules
Prohibition of menthol flavoring in cigarettes capsules for fresh breath. 27.09.2012. The Braunschweig administrative court has confirmed the ban on cigarettes with menthol flavor capsule in Germany. The action of a tobacco company against ...
ATTENTION BLACK CAUCUS! Make Banning Menthol Cigarettes a ...
Make Banning Menthol Cigarettes a priority. March 21, 2012 by NWtoSE. I believe my writing has improved since 2009 but my passion to improve public health in my community continues to stay strong, particularly around Tobacco Cessation ...
ATTENTION BLACK CAUCUS! Make Banning Menthol Cigarettes a ...
Make Banning Menthol Cigarettes a priority. September 24, 2009 by NWtoSE. Blog post by NWtoSE from 2009: Every year in DC the Black Caucus arrives to DC to discuss important issues surrounding the black community. I am asking to ...