Do you recycle plastic baggies or aluminum foil? What types of things do you re-use?
I am not doing as much as some people to "go green," but I'm trying. My mother, who went through the Great Depression, was a saver and a re-user. I am not. However, I have become more conscious of the need to conserve. Today I washed out a zip-lock baggie that had contained cookies. Thought I would re-use it! What do you re-use?
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Aluminum foil go in with cans.
I never reuse plastic bags that have had meat or dairy in them. Others I do.
I use a trash can with no bags and rinse it once a week.
I turn oil cans upside down, into an empty oil can,to drain every drop (every 3rd oil change or so this gives me a FREE quart)
I put used, not new, oil in oil squeeze cans to use for drilling and tapping.
I read the newspaper online to save paper and money.
I wash Yogurt and Margarine containers (also jars plastic & glass) and use for storing leftovers.
I used to empty cigarette butts and re-roll into a cigarette but quit smoking.
I only use a Mag Lite if necessary other wise I use wind up or shaker flashlights.
When making coffee I just add more to filter each pot until filter is full. (I only use one filter for 3-4 pots)
I dry old coffee filters (with used coffee) and then throw on fire in wood stove.
Dried bread is thrown out on ground for birds, old food for dogs and cats.(I no longer raise hogs)
I try to wash car on a rainy day and let rain do the rinsing.
I plan to start composting and install gray water traps to use for garden.
I do not recycle plastic because I think it is unhealthy to store until recycling day that only comes once a year, here.
I take my old tyres home (and avoid the $5 per tyre recycling charge) then take them to local cement plant that recycles them for free (once a year)
I try to do most garage work at night in summer to minimize AC usage, (Daytime in winter to minimize heater.)
If you have to smoke, please don't litter!!
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$100 fine for dropping cigarette butt -
A group of elementary students combat cigarette butt litter in their town with quirky "Plant Your Butts Here" pots that encourage smokers to dispose of their butts in the pots or trash cans instead of on the ground. Not only are ...
Smoldering cigarette butt believed to have caused $530,000 in ...
Bellevue fire investigators suspect that a smoldering cigarette butt in a plastic container started fire that significantly damaged two Newcastle homes Saturday afternoon.
MainCor fights back against cigarette butts at Midtown KC Post
Where to drop your butts? Not down the storm drain. On Main Street, these cigarette butt containers are intended to fight litter. Litter – including nasty cigarette butts – is a big concern in Midtown. On Main Street, the folks at the ...