Is second hand smoke really harmful, and if so how does it compare to car exhaust fumes?
I've recently been confronted with a lot of varied and unsupported opinions surrounding the harmful effects of second hand cigarette smoke. In some countries it is now even illegal to smoke in your own car if you have a child with you. I can't help wondering if perhaps we should be more concerned about the actual car than the cigarettes. I would like to drive in the carcinogenic free lane please?
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Well, I have seen a study that actually proves cancer risk is SIGNIFICANTLY higher in urban eras vs rural areas. That being said, I've also seen studies like these about secondhand smoke…
“No significant associations were found for current or former exposure to environmental tobacco smoke before or after adjusting for seven confounders and before or after excluding participants with pre-existing disease. No significant associations were found during the shorter follow up periods of 1960-5, 1966-72, 1973-85, and 1973-98.”
“Workplace bans are not associated with statistically significant short-term declines in mortality or hospital admissions for myocardial infarction or other diseases.”
With that in mind I'd say there were a million in a half cancer causers around that are 100 times worse than secondhand smoke. Read meat and milk (ie which has a cancer Relative Risk of 2.6, yet secondhand smoke goes from 1.19 to 0.75??).
The freakish news about secondhand smoke is a flat lie and most people know this. It was cooked up by health officials to get the "smokers" to quit and really has nothing to do with non-smokers. They figure discrimination and harassment is the best way to approach the cancer issues, yet its funny there is only about 14% of the population left in the US who are smokers yet cancer rates haven't declined at all.
This was a custom clip and the audio is adult content & not suitable for Youtube. I liked it though s its got some nice smoking in but its got ...
Cigarette Smoking and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Studies of smoking and PTSD comorbidity have used different approaches to indexing the severity of a persons reactions. ... Skip to content • Reference Desk · Small flags. Search. Home; |; Videos; |; Community; |; Products · A - B; |; C - D; |; E - H; |; I - O; |; P - S; |; T - Z; |; All Topics · Disability ... Cigarette smoking is still one of the leading preventable causes of disease and death in America. Smoking results in health care costs that rank among the highest in the nation ...
Understanding Cigarette: Content, Hazards, Addiction В« Experience ...
Smoking Hazards Tobacco scientifically known as Nicotiana tabacum is a plant cultivated worldwide to be used as a main ingredient in cigarettes. From leaves, it is dried and shredded to create particles that will burnt slowly ...
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Cigarette smoking (CS) is a leading cause of death worldwide. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is partially responsible for tobacco-induced carcinogenesis although the underlying mechanisms involving early effector ...
Science Knowledge: The Contents of Cigarette Smoke
The Contents of Cigarette Smoke. Written by Science Knowledge on 8:00 AM. The swiftest and most effective way to damage them—by inhaling generous quantities of toxic cigarette smoke. While anyone born in the era of color television ...
Frequently Asked Questions about Electronic Cigarettes
... cigarette, or e-cigarette, is an electrical device that simulates the act of tobacco smoking by producing an inhaled vapor bearing the physical sensation, appearance, and often the flavor (with or without nicotine content) of ...
Tia's Blog - All Of The Ingredients In Smokeless Cigarettes, Other ...
The Wonder of Atomizers How Electronic Cigarettes Work Electronic cigarettes are exact components of tobacco smoke, it is easier to find the contents of the e cigarettes vapor. The NJOY website says that an e-cigarette ...
"Ideas Are Probably In The Air"...Like Cigarette Smoke
Original Content. Author Gail Gauthier's Reflections On Children's Books, Writing, And The Kidlit World. Saturday, November 10, 2012. "Ideas Are Probably In The Air"...Like Cigarette Smoke. I am not much of a Rod Serling fan. However, I like this clip at Brain Pickings very much. In it Serling says that ideas come from "every human experience." He goes on to make the point that "the hardest thing on Earth" is to put ideas down. By which he means to do something with them.
Required lately to put in writing concerning electric | Disaster Mashup
An electronic cigarette sports a flavor for nicotine but none of them from the dangerous ingredients within normal smoking allowing tobacco smokers cravings to remain gratified without having inhaling the numerous unsafe ...
Electronic Cigarette Smokers Rely Heavily On Information Provided ...
It is better to do some research before choosing e-cigarette to make is often refillable filled with clean nicotine and not the type of tobacco in regular cigarette with other harmful ingredients. Cigarette smokers are turning to ...
Association of Cigarette Smoking From Adolescence to Middle-Age ...
Cigarette smoking in adolescence is common and continues to increase. Policy makers require reliable estimates of risk disease burden. Accordingly, we have explored all-cause, CVD, and cancer mortality associations with ...