How do I get cigarette smoke out of my apartment?
the landlord has repainted the walls and had the carpets shampooed and even had the proffessional carpet cleaner use an ionizer but the smell is still there. all this was done before I even moved in. I have tried fabreeze and plugin deoderizers nothing seems to work and I am allergic to cigarette smoke.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Few odors are more odious, especially to non- and reformed smokers, than lingering cigarette smoke. Whether your goal is to get healthy or to get a loved one off your back, it's easy to keep your home from smelling like the local roadhouse. Just throw open your windows and try out one or more of these easy tricks.
Things You’ll Need:
Light Bulb
Rag Or Dish Towel
Baking Soda
Fabric-softener Sheets
Perfume Or Cologne
Cat Litter
Several Small Bowls
Zippered Plastic Bag
Vinegar, pine-scented cleaner or activated charcoal
Set small bowls of vinegar, pine-scented cleaner or activated charcoal around the room. If your home has young children or pets, place the bowls well out of reach. Close off the room overnight.
Spritz your favorite perfume or cologne on a cold light bulb. When the light is turned on, the warmed scent will fill the room.
Place small items (such as gloves, a wool hat or a small pillow) in a zippered plastic bag with a couple of fabric-softener sheets. Leave overnight.
Fill ashtrays with cat litter to extinguish cigarettes and capture the odor.
Sprinkle baking soda liberally on carpets, rugs and upholstery around the room. Let it sit overnight. Vacuum.
Soak a rag or a dish towel in vinegar, wring out the excess and wave it around the room for a minute or two.
Tips :
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