What can i put in a cigarette to make someone sick?
I live in apartments and the neighbors teenagers keep stealing my partially smoked cigarettes from my back porch. Does anyone have any ideas for something i could put in them to stop them from taking them?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
By golly, no one is going to tell YOU you have to take your butts inside. The rotten teen-agers really need to be shown and taught a lesson. After all, it is your property and it doesn't matter that you leave them there knowing teens will do what teens do.
After you are done poisoning the children, go and leave your keys in the auto. If you are lucky, someone so inclined will steal it, and you will have a great excuse to shoot them dead.
Or, you could, perhaps, see a counselor and figure out why you are such an angry person you would even consider doing such a thing.
A new video. This time we are smoking pipe and cigar again in our shelter . And Leon is enjoying a nice Cigarette While Jacco is smoking his Pipe ...
U.S. Teens Smoking Less, New Report Shows | The Partnership at ...
American teenagers are smoking less, according to a new government report. The report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found current cigarette smoking among teenagers declined significantly ...
Effects of Smoking Cigarettes in Teens | Fitness Health Pros
Most often, high pressure is said to be the main cause of a teenager to start smoking cigarettes. Some smoke for fun lured by friends. There is another theory that smokers lose weight encouraging those who strive to achieve ...
Brains of Teens Who Smoke Cigarettes Reveal Early Signs of ...
The brains of adolescents who smoke as little as two cigarettes a day respond to images of smoking as do the brains of heavily addicted adult smokers: with pleasure. A study by UCSF's Mark Rubinstein, MD, finds that the ...
Cigarette Smoking and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Participants were asked, 'During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes?' Among the teenagers involved, positive histories of PTSD were associated with a two-fold likelihood of the rate of regular ...
Psychiatric News Alert: Smoking on Decline Among Teens
This comes despite another of the survey's findings that the risk teens attach to cigarette smoking has changed little over this time period. The survey's teen respondents indicated that their perception of great risk of harm from ...
Teen smokers 'heed health warnings' on plain cigarette packs ...
Teenagers who occasionally smoke are more likely to pay attention to health warnings on cigarettes packets that have been stripped of branding, according to a small UK study.
Taxing cigarettes saves lives— Maryland Health Care for All Coalition
$1-per-pack increase in Maryland's cigarette tax to encourage longtime smokers to finally kick the habit and to dissuade younger people, particularly teenagers, from taking it up. Every time Maryland has raised its cigarette tax, ...
Teen Smoking Rate Drops in Kentucky | WEKU
Teen Smoking Rate Drops in Kentucky. By Amy Wilson and Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues. Like most states, Kentucky showed a drop in reported cigarette smoking among 12- to 17-year-olds from 2002 ...
Teen Alcohol and Cigarette Use Is Down, But Pot Smoking Is Up ...
A new survey says kids are smoking and drinking less than they have in the past 30 years, but they're smoking more pot than ever before. One line of reaso.
Teen Smoking Has Fallen Across Most of U.S.: Report - Drugs.com ...
A significant decline in cigarette smoking took place among U.S. kids aged 12 to 17 between 2002 and 2010 in 41 states, according to a new federal government re.