What types of effects does smoking cigarettes have on a person mentally?
Besides being addicted, I mean.
How can quitting smoking cigarettes help someone mentally, given they do not drink or do any other type of drug?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Aside from addiction, nicotine has similar effects to caffeine, so it doesn't really affect a healthy person mentally any more than a cup of coffee would.
Nicotine and other chemicals like harman and norharman (which act as potent monoaminooxidase inhibitors) in cigarette smoke can normalise brain activity and relieve depression, so you find the vast majority schizophrenics smoke and some people suffering from depression may subconsciously self-medicate with tobacco. Of course, there are less harmful ways of treating schizophrenia and depression, but generally quitting smoking has no positive mental effects.
Women addicted to smoking cigarettes
Cigarette Smoking and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Studies of smoking and PTSD comorbidity have used different approaches to indexing the severity of a persons reactions.
Judge orders tobacco firms to say they lied about smoking dangers ...
"Smoking kills, on average, 1,200 Americans. Every day." "Defendant tobacco companies intentionally designed cigarettes to make them more addictive." "When you smoke, the nicotine actually changes the brain — that's why ...
Smoking Cessation Benefits and Early Drug & Alcohol Addiction ...
In a 1984 study of alcoholics, ([1] Itvan & Matarazzo), found that nearly 90% smoked cigarettes, compared to only 30% of those in the general population ( [2] Pierce, Fiore, Novotny, Hatziandreu, & Davis, 1989). In addition to ...
Guide to stop #smoking offers broad look at #tobacco addiction | PR ...
Tobacco addiction affects a substantial portion of the world's population. Yet with all that we know about its dangers, many people continue to smoke. But most smokers want to quit. “Disease Interrupted: Tobacco Reduction ...
Addicted To Smoking cigarettes? The Following Tips Will Help You ...
If you smoke cigarettes, you possess most likely attempted to stop sooner or later, and was unsuccessful to do so. This may well have been simply because you just was without the proper details about the guidelines on how ...
Futurity.org – Why patients with cancer don't quit smoking
It's a sad but familiar scene near the grounds of many medical campuses: hospital-gowned patients, some toting rolling IV poles, huddled in clumps under bus shelters or warming areas, smoking cigarettes. Smoking causes 30 percent of all cancer deaths and 87 percent of all ... Nicotine addiction, health issues, emotional issues, psychological issues, and system level issues are all in the way.” Many obstacles. Other obstacles include limited access to quit-smoking ...
'Addictive' cigarette smoking games on smartphones target kids ...
You can do just about anything with your phone these days. Take an electrocardiogram. Confess your sins. Even smoke a cigarette Yup, you read that.
Sober Services | Facts about being addicted to smoking | Sober ...
But information from Sober Services, who help people attain and maintain their recovery from addiction, has found that smoking cigarettes is the gateway drug from which all others grow. It's the drug we turn to often as young ...
Brains of Teens Who Smoke Cigarettes Reveal Early Signs of ...
The brains of adolescents who smoke as little as two cigarettes a day respond to images of smoking as do the brains of heavily addicted adult smokers: with pleasure. A study by UCSF's Mark Rubinstein, MD, finds that the ...
'Addictive' Cigarette Smoking Games On Smartphones Target Kids
You can do just about anything with your phone these days. Take an electrocardiogram.