How much does a person need to consume cigarettes in order to damage there lungs?
Well since i was watching those anti-cigarette commercials I wondered like does it take years for someone to destroy there bodies or does it take less. i smoke atleast twice a day and i since yesterday i decided to quit but i been smokin since feb . am i too late??
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
It's never too late to quit smoking, so good for you! A little smoke is likely to cause far less damage than a lot of it, but people are individuals. Women's lungs are smaller than men's, so they're prone to develop diseases faster. Some people are more sensitive to the chemicals in cigarette smoke, however, so it's impossible to predict with absolute certainty.
With just a few months of exposure, I'd think it's highly unlikely you've done any damage that your body can't repair. Quit now, and you'll never regret it...
Good luck...
Perhaps One Of The Best Anti-Smoking Ads Ever Created. Perhaps One Of The Best Anti-Smoking Ads Ever Created. Perhaps One Of The Best Anti-Smoking ...
Disgusting Anti-Smoking Ads Should Affect Kids
It doesn't matter how hard we try to convey that smoking kills; there still seems to be a cool cachet among many teens. In fact, the U.S. smoking rate hasn't budged in years, which is somewhat surprising – and definitely ...
The CDC's Graphic New Anti-Smoking Campaign Is Harsh—But We ...
No doubt, plenty will find the graphic nature of these ads terrifying; Even local anti-smoking campaigns have taken heat for being too graphic or exploiting gruesome images and fear tactics. And last year, a federal judge ruled ...
Graphic Anti-Smoking Ads Increase Attempts to Quit | CigaretteZoom ...
Graphic television anti-smoking advertisements make more smokers to make an attempt to give up smoking than less serious advertisements.
Government Steps up Anti-Smoking Momentum - Department of ...
Anti-smoking advertising campaigns aimed at the general community and high-risk groups such as pregnant women and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are the latest initiative in the Government's ...
Youth-Produced Anti-Commercial Tobacco Videos Featured on ...
The Medicine Warriors are entering a second phase of creating anti-commercial tobacco videos to encourage local worksites to adopt anti-commercial smoking policies. (Courtesy of the Mashkiki Ogichidaag) ...
Judge: NYC Can't Make Cigarette Sellers Post Anti-Smoking Ads ...
Judge: NYC Can't Make Cigarette Sellers Post Anti-Smoking Ads. December 30, 2010 By Chris Morran. lungs. While the FDA prepares to roll out graphic warning labels for cigarette packages, the city of New York had been hoping to get a ...
Health Department Releases More Graphic Anti-Smoking TV Ads ...
The city Department of Health has released new TV ads with graphic imagery meant to get smokers to take part in a city-sponsored nicotine gum and patch giveaway.
Do Anti-Smoking Commercials Work?
A recent piece of health news out of the University of Illinois says that anti-smoking commercials on TV are actually working. While some ads are more effective than others, the entire medium seems to be an effective one for ...
Riester, with offices in SLC, snags anti-tobacco ad campaign | The ...
The Food and Drug Administration Center for Tobacco Products has picked Arizona-based Riester and five other agencies to produce advertisements for a national campaign to convince kids to shun tobacco and smokers to ...
Gucci Belts it obviously provided added cost arra | kandonyvtg
Anti cigarette smoking ads are getting made use of to combat the huge advertising and advertising and marketing ploys attached to smoking cheap kid ugg boots, however it continues to become an uphill climb in convincing ...