Is menthol smoking worse than regular cigarette smoking?
I keep hearing rumors that menthol smoking crystalizes your lungs and what not and my dad said i have a bad cough because i smoke newports.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
I haven't heard about the "crystallizing your lung" theory, but I have read that menthol cigarettes change HOW you smoke... That you inhale deeper and that increases the health risks typically associated with smoking.
This odd little trio of commercials comes to us from Newport Menthol Cigarettes. Apparently not only will cigarettes rot your lungs and give you ...
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Cigarettes destroy your lungs. Menthol Cigarettes have slivers of fiberglass in them. They don't crystalize your lungs per say. Do menthol cigarettes crystalize in your lungs? | ChaCha Do menthol cigarettes crystalize in your lungs? ChaCha ...
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Find 14 questions and answers about Menthol Cigarettes Crystalize in Your Lungs at Ask. Does menthol cigarettes crystalize your lungs? kgb answers Does menthol cigarettes crystalize your lungs? The KGB Agent answer: ...
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Do menthol cigarettes " crystallize" your lungs ? - Yahoo. Best Answer: urban legend Most of the studies suggest that menthol cigarettes do not carry an increased. What Does Smoking ...
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