How do I replace the fuse in my 2004 cavalier cigarette lighter?
I need to know how to open up the lighter plug, and then what to do. If you can, please give a detailed description, as I'm trying to do this myself at home.
Thanks so much.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
The lighter in your Cavalier does not have a fuse in the lighter itself. You will have to open up the fuse panel, normally located near your left leg as you sit in the driver seat (some may not have a door but is accessed from under the dash, down low) One fuse should be tagged/labled for "lighter" but could also be jointly fused with "clock". If in doubt, check your vehicle owner's manual, as they do include a diagram of the fuses. As a last resort, you can also stop by your local GM dealership and they can point it out for you. Please remember to use the same rated fuse and not try to upgrade and put a higher rated fuse in there. In the event that the new fuse pops when you try the lighter again, you may have a broken lighter element (the coil that heats up in the lighter) and that can be replaced cheaply at the local auto parts store. good luck
Thanks beans, and your thoughts on European Tobacco shops
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Chicago creating great jobs… for tobacco pirates « Hot Air
I'm gonna move to a border town and open a cigarette shop. Cha-ching! MikeknaJ on November 10, 2012 at 3:10 PM. Just fill your truck and park at the rest area just across the state line. Gotta think about the overhead.