Is there a physical area where i can buy the cigarettes that give out rainbow smoke?
I've seen many different pictures of people smoking cigarettes, but rainbow colored smoke. It comes in regular cigarette packaging. And I don't have a credit card to buy it off the internet.
I currently live in Colorado, know any places?
Here's a thanks in advance:)
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
the pictures that have been floating around on facebook/the rest of the web with the pictures of the girl exhaling "rainbow smoke" and also showing the pack of cigarettes...yeah, I can pretty much guarantee you that picture is photoshopped ;) hell, even a portion of the picture to the left of the smoke is in black and white, proving that it was, people should probably just give up the search...there is no such thing as cigarettes that give off rainbow smoke.
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3quarksdaily: Images on Cigarette Packs Are Scarier to Smokers ...
More than 40 countries around the world force cigarette companies to print graphic images of things like decaying teeth, open-heart surgeries and cancer patients on their packs, in an effort to discourage smoking by directly linking cigarettes with ... Obviously it's important to educate people so they can make informed choices but with smoking it seems to be less about informing people as it is about scaring them to do what someone else thinks they should be doing.
Going up in smoke | B&T
A few great words on packaging can paint a great picture.” “Words like 'Marlboro' are ... He says: “Cigarette smokers are very loyal people – they know what they're going to buy before they go into the shop. How the tobacco ...
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“It gets people at least thinking about what the consequences of smoking cigarettes are. It gets them in the contemplation state,” Satti said. She also pointed out that people live in a more visual world now, with quick images on ...
Australia introduces plain packaging for cigarettes | Ang Kalatas
SYDNEY, Dec 1, 2012 (AFP) – A law forcing tobacco firms to sell cigarettes in plain packets came into effect in Australia on Saturday in an effort to strip any glamour from smoking and prevent young people from taking up the habit. The new ... Sanjid Amatya said smokers were asking to pick and choose the images on their packets, with the photograph of gangrenous toes bothering many consumers, as well as one of a sick child affected by cigarette smoke. “Some of ...
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