My boyfriend is experiencing shortness of breath when he takes his oxycontin prescription?
He doesn't understand what is happening to him. He feels at a loss for breath, elevated body temperature, fear, anxiety, light headedness, etc. What could be the cause for these symptoms? He has been asking me to research everything from high blood pressure to what other symptoms could taking oxycontin and smoking cigarettes cause to the body. I could really use some help on this issue.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
His body just isn't responding well to the oxy. Those are pretty standard side effects when dealing with opiate based pain medications.
Percocet probably won't be much better. Plus, it's being discontinued.
Using hyper-realistic animation illustrating how smoking causes a heart attack, this 30-second public service announcement (PSA) features the US ...
Judge orders tobacco firms to say they lied about smoking dangers ...
"All cigarettes cause cancer, lung disease, heart attacks and premature death — lights, low tar, ultra lights and naturals. There is no safe cigarette." "Secondhand smoke causes lung cancer and coronary heart disease in ...
Updates On Clear-Cut Plans In Tobacco Cigs Causing Illness | How ...
Put simply, smoking transforms you against the beautiful swan you are to the ugly duckling in place of vice versa should you not choose to tobacco cigs causing illness. SOCIAL Reasons. Smokers are now thought to be a ...
Cigarette Smoking Is Caused By A Delusion, Redux В« Happiness in ...
I leaned back in my chair and breathed a heavy sigh. My patient, Mr. Rodriguez (not his real name), noticed my discomfort. “I know I should quit,” he told me with a guilty shrug of his shoulders. “Have you ever tried?” I asked.
Study: Smoking tobacco 'rots' the brain | The Raw Story
In a study published Sunday in the scientific journal Age and Aging, researchers discovered that regular exposure to tobacco smoke caused significant declines in cognitive performance among older people who had elevated ...
Dangers of Smoking Tobacco – E-Cigarette Alternatives - Nuvocig ...
Unfortunately, smoking tobacco affects more than just the lungs; the inhalation of tobacco causes several immediate responses within the heart and blood vessels. As a result, long term exposure may lead to variety of ...
Smoking causes 270,000 cancers yearly in Europe: study | Firstpost
Over an average of 11 years of follow up, the team found that 14,563 people who were exposed to tobacco smoke developed a type of cancer considered to be fully or partly caused by tobacco exposure. This is equivalent to ... – Why patients with cancer don't quit smoking
It's a sad but familiar scene near the grounds of many medical campuses: hospital-gowned patients, some toting rolling IV poles, huddled in clumps under bus shelters or warming areas, smoking cigarettes. Smoking causes ...
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of chronic lung diseases ...
KARACHI - Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease) in Pakistan, said experts in a programme organized to commemorate world chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) at ...
Cigarette Smoking Is Caused By A Delusion, Redux | Psychology ...
The difference between knowledge and wisdom is greater than we imagine By Alex Lickerman, M.D....
Big tobacco admits deceit — Opinion — Bangor Daily News — BDN ...
Older readers will remember how the debate over the link between cancer and cigarette smoking resembles today's debate over global warming. Even after a preponderance of medical researchers said cigarettes caused ...