How Probable is it that I am pregnant?
My period started on December 7th and ended anywhere around the 11th-13th. Then on both December 19th and 20th I had unprotected sex where in whichh he did not pull out. My next period is due around January 3rd if I am correct. I have never been pregnant before, I am 18 years old and so is the guy; I also smoke cigarettes.
Today is day 8 after we had unprotected sex and other then feeling a tadnauseouss I do not have any symptoms so far? How probable is it that I am pregnant? What percent?
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Your fertile period is calculated based on the first day of your period, so the 14 days puts you at ovulating on (or around) the 21st of December. Your fertile window then is December 19th through December 23rd.
So yes, you had unprotected sex during your fertile window. Of course, all women are different so if your cycle is a little different or if you ovulate at a funky time, then you may not have been fertile at the time.
Cigarettes can affect your fertility, but for many they do not. They definitely do affect fetal development/health during pregnancy though.
If you are not pregnant at this time, and would like to avoid it in the future, look into condoms and a birth control method for you. Also, if you "oops" you can take Plan B which is like an emergency brake on ovulation. It is ONLY effective if you have not ovulated yet, and will not affect a pregnancy once you've conceived. Celebrities People who smoke electronic smokeless cigarettes PART 2: Jennifer Farley, Taryn Manning, Jose ...
As cigarette taxes go up, heavy smoking goes down | Newsroom ...
Individuals smoking 20 cigarettes (one pack) per day, would have been expected to cut back by two cigarettes without a price increase, but in response to a 35 percent increase in price, they only reduced their smoking by three cigarettes a day. So in response to the higher taxes, ... “Other research has shown, for example, that smoke-free indoor air policies can reduce the number of cigarettes that people smoke,” says Cavazos-Rehg. “But our study didn't find that.
Study: Smoking tobacco 'rots' the brain | The Raw Story
The Centers for Disease Control said in 2010 that 21 percent of Americans — about 46 million — smoke cigarettes regularly. According to The Harvard School of Public Health, cigarettes remain the number one cause of ...
Taxing cigarettes saves lives— Maryland Health Care for All Coalition
Raising taxes on anything is hardly popular these days, but cigarettes may be an exception. Surveys suggest that 60 percent of Americans think taxing cigarettes more heavily to discourage people from smoking makes sense ...
Tobacco industry uses trade pacts to try to snuff out anti-smoking laws
With fewer people lighting up in wealthy nations, nearly 80 percent of the world's 1 billion smokers live in low- and middle-income countries. Marlboro, the world's top-selling brand, is shown packaged under labeling laws of, ...
Big tobacco admits deceit — Opinion — Bangor Daily News — BDN ...
The tobacco companies covered up and denied the medical evidence for years, even as they knew themselves it was true. It's time all Americans, including the 20 percent of Mainers who still smoke, know the awful truth.
Indonesian Tobacco Excise Set to Rise by 8.5 Percent Next Year ...
The Indonesian government plans to increase tobacco tariffs by an average of 8.5 percent next year in a move that will boost state revenue but also discourage people from taking up the health-risking habit. ... About 70 percent of adult male Indonesians smoke, putting their health at risk but supporting jobs in the industry that employs millions. (JG Photo). Related articles. Higher Tobacco Tax Aims to Kick Indonesia's Habit 8:44am Nov 29, 2012. Government Slammed ...
Quitting Smoking for Good -
People ages 18 to 25 now have the nation's highest smoking rate: about 34 percent counted in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health in 2010 reported smoking cigarettes in the previous month. I had to hold my breath ...
Australia's tobacco marketing laws give retailers a headache ...
The government says the aim is to deter young people from smoking by stripping the habit of glamour. It is relying on studies showing that if people have not started smoking by age 26, there is a 99 percent chance they will ...
Great American Smokeout В« The Voice
Over 400,000 people nationwide die annually from tobacco-related diseases. ... The American Cancer Society reported only four to seven percent of people who quit smoking without medicines or other help reports success.
Australia introduces plain packaging for cigarettes | Ang Kalatas
SYDNEY, Dec 1, 2012 (AFP) – A law forcing tobacco firms to sell cigarettes in plain packets came into effect in Australia on Saturday in an effort to strip any glamour from smoking and prevent young people from taking up the habit. The new law, the first of its kind ... The percentage of smokers in Australia has dropped from about 50 percent in the 1950s to 15 percent now and the government is aiming to push it down to 10 percent by 2018. With 80 percent of smokers ...