Please help me think of a topic for my economics paper?
Basically, I have to think of an interesting economic question and provide some convincing answers to the question. A case study is strongly recommended, but I can work on mathematical analysis as long as it deals with real examples. Econometric analysis is encouraged, but not required.
My professor's example question is: "In the real estate brokerage industry, why are commission rates inflexible?"
Then in the paper, I provide some background on the topic, talk about why it is interesting and why we should care, then present some possible explanations for the phenomenon and decide which explanations are most plausible.
I really need help thinking of something to write about, so please help me out. Thanks!
And the paper is about 10 pages long. This is for my Industrial Competition and Monopoly class.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Cigarette taxes are a hot topic. All 50 state governments have enacted taxes on cigarettes, and many have raised their taxes several times. Cigarette taxes are a way governments can achieve two social objectives. The first objective is to reduce the number of citizens who smoke. The government issuing the cigarette tax hopes that the rise in the cost of a package of cigarettes will induce people to quit smoking. The second objective is to raise government revenue. A cigarette tax, like any other tax, increases the amount of revenue governments can spend on social programs.
Issues you may want to address in your cigarette tax paper
1.Will cigarette taxes have the desired effect of reducing the demand for cigarettes?
2.Do increases in cigarette taxes have any other effects?
3.What are the distributional effects of cigarette taxes? Who pays for the bulk of the taxes: richer citizens or poorer citizens?
4.What do governments spend cigarette tax revenues on? How much of the tax collected goes to programs designed to help people to stop smoking? How much of it goes to increased health care costs due to smoking?
•State Excise Tax Rates on Cigarettes…
Newspaper and Magazine Articles on Cigarette Taxes
•National Center for Policy Analysis - Will a Cigarette Tax Increase Really Help Uninsured Children?
•New York Fiscal Watch - NYC Cigarette Tax Hike Endangers Pataki Health Funding…
Journal Articles on Cigarette Taxes
•Putting Out the Fires: Will Higher Taxes Reduce the Onset of Youth Smoking? - Philip DeCicca, Donald Kenkel and Alan Mathios. Journal of Political Economy v110, n1 (February 2002): 144-69.
•Response by Adults to Increases in Cigarette Prices by Sociodemographic Characteristics. - Matthew C. Farrely et. Al, Southern Economic Journal v68, n1 (July 2001): 156-65.
•The Economics of Smoking - Frank J. Chloupka and Kenneth E. Warner, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper: 7047.
•Tobacco Taxes, Smoking Restrictions, Robert L. Ohsfeldt ; Raymond G. Boyle and Eli I. Capilouto, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper: 6486.
In August 1997 The Kyoto Protocol was drawn up. The Kyoto Protocol is supposed to reduce the emissions of the six greenhouse gases. Once The Kyoto Protocol is signed by a country, it legally binds the nation to reduce emissions of these greenhouse gases by an average of 5.2% below their 1990 levels over the first five year period, from 2008 to 2012.
As of January 28th 2003 almost all of the industrialized countries have signed The Kyoto Protocol. The United States of America pulled out of The Kyoto Protocol in March 2001. This almost destroyed The Kyoto Protocol. However, July 2001 a compromised scaled-down version of The Kyoto Protocol was created but President Bush has stated that the US will never sign The Kyoto Protocol.
Issues you may want to address in your Kyoto Protocol paper
1.What will the economic effects of The Kyoto Protocol be for countries that did or did not sign it?
2.Why didn’t President Bush want to sign The Kyoto Protocol?
3.What would the economic effects have been to the US if Bush had signed the Kyoto Protocol?
4.What public policies will have to be changed if the US decides to sign The Kyoto Protocol? What effect will these policies have?
The Kyoto Protocol
•UN Convention - Kyoto Protocol
Newspaper and Magazine Articles on The Kyoto Protocol
•BBC Science - Kyoto Protocol…
•BBC - Kyoto: Why did the US Pull Out?…
•CNN: Global Warming: US turns its back on Kyoto…
Policy Papers on the Kyoto Protocol
•UN - Understanding Climate Changes: A beginner’s guide to the UN Framework Convention and its Kyoto Protocol…
•David Suzuki - Economics and the Kyoto Protocol…
Journal Articles on the Kyoto Protocol
•The New Cultural Imperialism: The Greens and Economic Development - Deepak Lal. University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Economics Working Paper: 814 (November 2000)
•The Economics of a Lost Deal: Kyoto-The Hague-Marrakesh - Jean-Charles Hourcade, Frederic Ghersi. Energy Journal v23, n3 (2002): 1-26
•The Role of Economics in Climate Change Policy - Warwick J. McKibbin, Peter J. Wilcoxen, Journal of Economic Perspectives v16, n2 (Spring 2002): 107-29
Nanny state UK hides cigarettes from view of people wanting to buy them from supermarkets, eventually to be rolled out to corner shops. The absurd ...
As cigarette taxes go up, heavy smoking goes down | Newsroom ...
November 29, 2012. By Jim Dryden. Print; Forward; Facebook this; Tweet this; Share more. Article Body 2010. Audio available. When cigarette taxes rise, hard-core smokers are more likely than lighter smokers to cut back, according to new research from Washington University School of Medicine ... During the period between the surveys, the price for a pack of cigarettes increased from an average of $3.96 in 2001 to $4.41 in 2004. Most of the increase was due to hikes in state taxes.
Taxing cigarettes saves lives— Maryland Health Care for All Coalition
November 26, 2012. Our view: Perhaps the single most effective public health intervention. Maryland could take would be to increase the cigarette tax. Every year, some 400,000 Americans die from smoking-related illnesses, the vast majority of them caused by cigarettes. As many as 40,000 more ... as fast as the national average. Among teens, the drop has been even ... state and local taxes, to $7.25, making the cost of cigarettes here the sixth-highest in the nation. That compares to ...
High Cigarette Taxes Curb Heavy Smoking В« CBS St. Louis
High Cigarette Taxes Curb Heavy Smoking. November 30, 2012 5:25 PM. View Comments. More Activity. Facebook Activity. What's this? Add to Timeline - What's This. Click "Log in" to publish what you read to Facebook. See what your friends ...
Cigarettes Should Cost $25 a Pack - Vijay Govindarajan and ...
Cigarettes Should Cost $25 a Pack. by Vijay Govindarajan and Srikanth Srinivas | 11:00 AM November 21, 2012. Comments. Henry David Thoreau said, "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.
Coming Soon: Increased Prison Terms for Black Market Cigarette ...
Monday, November 26, 2012 ... The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives estimates that sales of illegal cigarettes cost government—local, state and federal—nearly $10 billion a year... The growth of the cigarette-resale ...
States with cheapest cigarette prices » Сеть ... - Сеть МММ-2012
States with cheapest cigarette prices - Click Here Discount coupon for cigarettes: States with cheapest cigarette prices Also known as Small Several this diverse a part of Altlanta ga could be the community lottery jackpot for antique purchasing ...
What Does A Pack Of Cigarettes Cost In Each State Now? | The Awl
Last summer, we checked the price of cigarettes state by state and in D.C. Here's how prices have increased and decreased since then. 51. West Virginia. ... CheeseLouise (#2,074). $6.50 in Louisiana sounds quite a bit higher than average to me. I got a pack of Camel lights at a convenience store yesterday for $4.07. Unless I hallucinated that price due to the 103 degree New Orleans heat? Posted on June 26, 2012 at 4:15 pm. Reply В» 0. Bitzy (#1,913) ...
Cigarette price Germany 2012 | Tobacco store
Cigarette price Germany 2012, putters cigarettes good, duty free cigarettes UK stansted, cigarette price Germany 2012, ryanair cigarette smuggling, Canadian classics cigarettes review, price of cigarettes by state 2012, types ...
Medicaid expansion would cost the state $1 billion over a decade ...
Expanding Alabama's Medicaid program under the federal Affordable Care Act would cost the state about $1 billion over the next decade, but the state would draw down $14 billion more than in federal funds and see a 60 ...
Coffee & Cigarettes: Seahawks links for Friday - Field Gulls
If that doesn't improve, he will never be anything more than an average player. And No. 2, is progression reading. Now, that can be learned -- and ... Upset Watch: Seattle (+4) at Chicago Chicago Bears fans are thankful that Jay Cutler's recent concussion cost him only one game. When the Bears were forced to start Jason Campbell in ... will have little choice but to pay full price for these players. But for now, here are the NFL's 10 best deals, with base salaries for 2012: ...