Why do liberals want to put a "sin tax" on soda and alcohol? How about taxing an actual sin like abortion?
After all liberals love taxing things and they love abortion. This is a win win for them isn't it?
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Liberals see abortion as a necessary evil? I'm glad I read that comment on an empty stomach. That's how I feel about four years of an Obama presidency.
As for your question, liberals prefer a loose interpretation of the word sin, and they prefer to analyze it according to their own moral compass, which we know swings in a relative direction depending on their mood.
Michigan's governor wants to add a new sin tax this year, but she is taking a stand for what is right and refusing to raise taxes on beer. Just so you know, Granholm's list of sins includes but is not limited to concert tickets, professional and college sporting events, vending machine sales, cigarettes and bottled water. So the alcoholics get a tax break, and the people who drink bottled water when they are exercising so they can stay healthy, work hard and pay taxes will get taxed even more so the alcoholics can get more welfare and drink more beer.
US Rep. Pete Hoekstra discusses the new increase in tobacco taxes that will go in effect on April 1 2009, 3/19/09.
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