Survey: What do you think of Australia approving the plain cigarette packaging?
Like, they will legally replace regular cigarette packaging with pictures of throat cancer, sickly people & other stuff that long-term smoking can lead to.…
They're the first in the world to do this.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
People who are actually addicted to cigarettes aren't going to stop smoking because this. Everyone knows the dangers of smoking already. They can raise the tax of cigarettes, they can put disturbing pictures on the packaging, but nothing will stop a smoker from smoking.
More information: After completing the preparation and conditioning process, the tobacco is ready for the cigarette. We have arrived at the ...
Action urged on cigarette packaging В« This Is Jersey
The Government should follow the lead of Australia and strip cigarette packages of their logos.
Australia Dampens Cigarette Packaging, Offers Graphic Warnings ...
Hemera/Thinkstock(CANBERRA, Australia) -- A new law in Australia mandates that all cigarettes now be sold in plain packs, a change the government estimates will drop smoking rates in the country by one-third within six ...
Australia bans 'branded' packaging of cigarettes | The Raw Story
New Zealand, South Africa, and India are considering similar laws, and a commercial is currently running in the U.K. featuring children discussing the allure of distinctive cigarette packaging. Watch the video, via Al Jazeera, ...
Big Tobacco's packaging fight goes up in smoke | Article | The Punch
We're nearly at the day where we (officially) won't be able to tell the difference between packets of Winnie Blues, Marlboros and Long Beaches. From Saturday, durrie packets have to be coloured a particularly foul brown. | Australia readies for first plain pack cigarettes
SYDNEY: All cigarettes sold in Australia will be in identical, plain packages from Saturday in a world first after the government overcame legal challenges from the tobacco industry. Under new laws which come into effect on ...
Tobacco industry uses trade pacts to try to snuff out anti-smoking laws
A pack of Marlboro Menthol cigarettes intended for sale in Australia. As of Dec. 1, all cigarettes sold in the country must be sold in plain packaging with graphic warnings covering 75 percent of the front and 90 percent of the ...
Tobacco industry claims on cigarette packaging are nonsense
Claims that replacing alluring designs on cigarette packs with a plain standardised look will increase illegal tobacco production are baseless - according to a new report published today (Friday) by an international expert.
Judge tells Big Tobacco to disclose deception on packaging
Cigarette packaging will be boasting some new text in the near future, thanks to a judge in Washington, D.C..
Tobacco Companies Found Breaking Packaging Laws, Asked to ...
Tobacco Companies Found Breaking Packaging Laws, Asked to Change Production In Australia, Federal Government legislation passed a law under which the cigarette packaging should be plain and must not advertise any ...
Canadian cigarette packaging bears some of most prominent health ...
The Canadian Cancer Society says Canada's cigarette packaging bears some of the most prominent health messages in the world. The society says three-quarters of the space on Canadian packaging is now devoted to ...