How much will it cost me to feed, take care of, and entertain my new BabyGoat?
I wanna make sure she is happy
what sorta supplies will I need?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Ok, got a pen?
1 donkey cigarette dispenser
1 bottle of good booze
2 rolls of hot pink duct tape (matches my hair down there)
5 boxes of Cheez-its
a pair of squirrel underpants
2 black lights
a box of enchanted unicorn bandages
a bag of bacon jelly beans
3 cases of KY
and you, wrapped in a tortilla, wearing only a come-hither smile:) One of the funniest gag jokes for people who smoke. Fill up the donkey's back with 24-25 cigarettes, then push his ears ...
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Dramatic Donkey Cigarette Dispenser - Archie McPhee - YouTube
A product demonstration with a dramatic twist! Available at
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Smoking Donkey Cigarette Dispenser | GeekAlerts
Know a chain smoker who can't live without his or her smokes? The Smoking Donkey Cigarette Dispenser is a creative gift that lets smokers keep their smokes.