How much does a pack of Camel light Cigarettes cost?
Without tax how much does one light pack of camels cost? And don't leave stupid don't smoke comments this isn't so I go buy them I'm doing a report on the history of Tobacco and need to know for my paper and I don't want to go to the store to look.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
It matters where you are and what kind of tobacco tax your state has. If you are in North Carolina or Delaware, then it is very cheap. I smoke Camel Lights myself. I'm in the DC area, in Maryland, and it is usually between $5 and $6 -- sometimes a little more and sometimes a little less.
Maryland Considers Cigarette Tax Hike
ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- Maryland smokers already pay the eleventh highest cigarette taxes in the country, at $2 per pack; however, if lobbyists like Vincent DeMarco have their way, those taxes will increase by another dollar in ...
Taxing cigarettes saves lives— Maryland Health Care for All Coalition
Maryland could take would be to increase the cigarette tax. Every year, some 400,000 Americans die from smoking-related illnesses, the vast majority of them caused by cigarettes. As many as 40,000 more die from the effects ...
MD mulls even higher tax rates on cigarettes - Maryland Health Care ...
The Washington Times November 25, 2012. By David Hill. Smokers in Maryland pay one of the nation's highest tax rates on cigarettes, and they could pay even more next year if state health advocates get their way. Vincent DeMarco, a ...
Health group proposes raising cigarette tax | Maryland Daily Record
Maryland Citizens' Health Initiative is proposing another dollar-per-pack increase to the state's current $2 cigarette tax. The cigarette tax has been raised three times in the last 15 years and has coincided with a 32 percent ...
Maryland Considers Raising Tobacco Taxes | NACS Online – News ...
WASHINGTON – A prominent health lobbyist is urging Maryland lawmakers to boost the state's cigarette tax by $1, which would elevate Maryland's tax from the nation's 11th highest to the sixth highest, The Washington Times ...
Another tax increase proposed for Maryland cigarettes— Maryland ...
A Maryland health advocacy group is pushing for a $1 tax increase in cigarette prices, after several years of successfully lobbying to raise taxes on tobacco products in the state. “It's the kind of thing that the public supports, ...
MD Health group proposes another cigarette tax hike— Maryland ...
MD Health group proposes another cigarette tax hike. WBOC November 14, 2012. Aisha Khan. POCOMOKE CITY, Md.- Smokers in Maryland could have to pay more to light up. The health group, Maryland Citizens' Health Initiative based out ...
Not much of a down side to higher cigarette taxes - Editorials - The ...
Each tobacco tax hike in Maryland has been followed by a steep decline in the rate of smoking. The state's adult smoking rate fell by a third between 1998 and 2009. The result of raising Maryland's cigarette tax, advocates say ...
Maryland raising smoking taxes and making money for the state ...
Almost every state has increased its cigarette tax in the last dozen or so years, Many have raised it more than once. Maryland, in particular, has done more than any state and reaping the benefits from it. Since 1999, the state ...
Tax the smokers again— Maryland Health Care for All Coalition
NEARLY EVERY state plus the District has raised its cigarette tax in the last dozen or so years, and many have raised it more than once. Maryland has done more than most: Since 1999, the state has increased the levy on ...