If I want a pack of camel cigarettes what do i ask for?
I like the regular camel cigarettes. the shorter ones not the 99s. But im not sure on the lingo on what to ask for when i buy the regular ones.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
I'd like a pack of Camel regulars please for the filtered cigarettes.
Camel filter-less for the shortest ones that have no filters.
Personally I'd go with Camel Lights.

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Page about how much nicotine is in a camel cigarette. All text about That 22 miles per gallon The average vehicle. fix cigarette burn car.
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Camel cigarettes help with Thanksgiving digestion. Xeni Jardin at ... A vintage ad for Camel brand cancer-sticks, scanned and Flickr'd by SA_Steve. Remember, folks, "Camel Cigarettes aid with your Thanksgiving Digestion!" ...
Cant get a full cigarette help please - Cigarette Forum & Smokers ...
sounds like you're packing them real loose to lose that much tobacco in the pack, especially packed w/filter down - some of the tobacco shrinkage will be from the tobacco drying (loosing moisture it contracts some) but to go down that much, if you'd packed the cigs with the tobacco dripping wet (which the injector wouldn't handle) it still wouldn't have gone down as far as you've .... (lights and full flavors), smoke_clouds, Camel Cigarettes, 4, 05-06-2011 08:19 PM ...
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Page about how much nicotine is in a camel cigarette. All text about As with other drugs, when a person smokes cigarettes, then. gamucci electronic cigarette.
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If you are already a smoker, read not provide this information (although most certified brands in the USA have the much nicotine is in most how much nicotine is in a camel brands of cigarettes. If you are already a smoker, read ...