Is it illegal to mail cigarette coupons to minors in MA?
The R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. has been sending coupons for money off packs of Camel cigarettes to members of my family who are under 18. The age of purchase for cigarettes in the US is 18.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
I don't think it would be illegal for them to mail coupons to minors, since they would have no idea how old they are. Plus, typically they don't send you coupons unless you registered on there website - so that's weird.…
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Ok so I can make them pretty well but the tip of the tobacco always stays in the injector when I pull the cig off. Am I doing something wrong or is it just the crappy injector. Also when I go to get one from the pack all the cigarettes ...
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Thread: 2 - Camel cigarette q's $2.00 off a pack exp 1/31/2013 ... Have: H: Cig q's: (4) $2/1 pack of Camel; (1) Free tin Camel snus wyb any Camel product. By AkayaLivin4JC in forum Trade Post Archive. Replies: 0. Last Post: ...