Which brand of cigarettes has the most nicotine?
I'm doing a paper on adolescent tobacco addiction. I was able to find the nicotine and tar content of some of the common brands such as Marlboro, Camel, etc. The highest level of nicotine that I was able to find was 0.8mg in Marlboro's. Does anyone know if there is a more addictive (higher level of nicotine) cigarette than 0.8mg of nicotine?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
All levels are addictive. Doesn't matter if it's .08 or .02
There are tobaccos that have a higher nicotine content naturally. Rustica is the strongest but isn't sold in normal cigarette brands. It's mostly grown for use as a pesticide. I've tried some and I can tell you if you aren't already a heavy smoker it will buzz your head and make you want to vomit.
The amount of nicotine really doesn't matter when it comes to kids smoking. They want to be seen as cool and will only smoke the major brands. You won't see them with some bargain basement brand in their pockets.
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Old fashioned drug bottle. Michael Bedford had bought the bottle online. He swallowed two spoonfuls from the bottle at a party. Shortly after, he became ill, started slurring his words and vomiting. He was taken to hospital, ...
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Electronic Cigarette Brands Which Are Offering Zero Nicotine E Cigarettes And At Affordable Price Should Be Given A Preference Over Others! You can get a regular, menthol, even apple and strawberry flavored a traditional ...
How Does Nicotine Make You a 'Slave' to Cigarettes? | ZenHaven
Smoking is an addictive behavior; we all know this – it's not breaking news. But with the knowledge should come a deeper understanding of how the addiction works. Why does nicotine make you a slave to cigarettes and how ...
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