North Carolina Cigarette Prices?
My Mom is a smoker. And we are going on vacation to North Carolina. How much is a carton of Virginia Slim Menthols there? She is paying $65 carton here (in NJ). I know there are some rules about how many cartons we can bring home?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
she should be able to get those at $20- 24 a carton in NC. I honestly don't know about the "per person" limit law ...but whenever I have taken a trip to NC we've used the 2 cartons per adult (and you can probably stretch that to 3 or 4 per)
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Since 2007 at least 27 states have raised their cigarette taxes, often to erase deficits or to cover sharp increases in health-care costs. This spurs the smugglers on. In New Jersey, where a packet of cigarettes carries a tax of ...
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As the price of cigarettes go up in New Jersey and around the country, smokers are willing to try no ways to get their hands on their fix for a lower price. Do you go out of your way to do the same? Take our poll and leave your ...
Cigarette brands and prices | Activity Streams | Ehftup
Cigarette brands and prices. Tape the white pressboard baseball greeting card boxes with further energy shipping tape, central cigars st pete. A water line tinker comprises two simple pieces: a handle to support the mess along with a .... Maryland, MD, Massachusetts, MA, Michigan, MI, Minnesota, MN, Mississippi, MS, Missouri, MO, Montana, MT, Nebraska, NE, Nevada, NV, New Hampshire, NH, New Jersey, NJ, New Mexico, NM, New York, NY, North Carolina, NC, ...