Why does everyone seem to be so accepting to canabis smoking?
Most of the questions involving canabis smoking on here seem to have support from the answers. However, if someone mentions cigarette smoking its a completely different story!
Please note that I am not against either, I just wondered why people can be more accepting to something that is illegal to the equivalent that IS legal.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Because people are misinformed, it is a complete MYTH that cannabis is not as harmful as smoking. The British Lung Foundation believe smoking one cannabis joint has the same damaging effect on the lungs as five cigarettes. You're also at higher risk of lung cancer and emphysema if you smoke cannabis and other lung problems linked to the drug.
Increasing evidence shows the use of cannabis can have detrimental effects mentally, it can cause anxiety, paranoia,psychosis and Schizophrenia in some people.It is psychologically addictive in around 10% of users.
I see time and time again people trying to justify it's use, it doesn't matter how much you want to believe in something, it won't make it happen! Cannabis will ALWAYS be bad for you, both physically and mentally.
In the 1960s and 70s, the type of 'hippie cannabis' doing the rounds contained less THC content. It is now stronger and more potent and has a much more psychotropic effect. Studies have shown, a quarter of the population have a genetic disposition that makes them more susceptible to 'cannabis psychosis. '
A 2007 study also found that whilst one's use of cannabis increased their risk of mental illness by around 2%, approximately 14% of the UK’s Schizophrenia cases were directly related to cannabis consumption. Shorter-term effects include; memory loss, paranoia, loss of motor skills and a reduced reaction time are all temporary effects. Frequent use of cannabis can cut a man's sperm count and suppress ovulation in women.
I await the usual thumbs down from the pro- cannabis brigade
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Dress a Building | Should cigarette smoking be banned | Activity
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Should cigarette smoking be banned essay В» Enjoy What Matters ...
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Or should all drugs be legalized With the advance of human civilization,there are an increasing number of people who have raised doubts about whether tobacco and alcohol should be banned or not.Many people associated them w 'Adapting effective laws' - Tobacco ... When smoking cigarette,there are large amount of poisonous gases released into the air that threaten to the health of surrounding people.In addition,alcohol can cause many serious diseases as well.
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The Hartford Informer > You do you, I'll do me
Until smoking becomes illegal in the country, there should be no reason to ban it all scross campus especially on the residential side. College is a time to ... I'll be honest, I have smoked a few cigarettes here and there. I'm fully ...
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Should Cigarette Smoking Be Banned?
post Sep 6 2012, 08:40 AM. Post #1. Senior Money Maker Group Icon Group: Members Posts: 635. Dream Points: 5,674. Experience Points: 703. Joined: 30-January 12. Member No.: 240,086. Should cigarette smoking be banned?
Tobacco companies convicted of anti-smoking ads - West
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CD989 В» Second-hand smoke persists for some people at work
SMOKE. Jones says there's not a problem with cigarette smoke at most large and medium-sized workplaces in the area, but there has been with some smaller businesses. Smoking is banned in all enclosed public places and workplaces, including private officers, washrooms, garages and work vehicles. Fines for smoking at work can range from just over 300-dollars to 5-thousand dollars, while fines for employers run between 365-dollars and 300-thousand dolars.