What are some chemicals in cigarettes that are also found in everyday objects?
For a health assignment, I need to make a collage of images and a written assignment. I lost my paper with a list of examples that had items in our everyday lives with poisons also found in cigarettes, and now, I can't really think of anything. So I need five to ten objects that have toxic ingredients also found in cigarettes, and the name of the poison.
Like, I thought of nail polish remover. I'm not quite sure of the chemical that's in them, but I'm just using it as an example.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
List of things in cigarette smoke:
Acetone - flammable cleaning solvent
Ammonia - strong cleaning agent
Arsenic - powerful poisonous metalloid
Butane - fuel for some cigarette lighters
Cadmium - strong chemical sometimes used in batteries and for corrosion resistant plating for steel
Carbon Monoxide - in automobile exhaust
DDT - powerful insecticide
Hydrogen Cyanide - Cyanide gas used to mass murder people in concentration camps of Nazi Germany during 1940's (then a result of Cyclone B)
Methane - the gas in farts
Napthalene - ingredient in mothballs
Nicotine - an addictive substance but also an insecticide
Stearic Acid - found in candle wax
Tar - used in asphalt to make & repair roads
Toluene – industrial strength cleaning solvent
Ethanol - corn alcohol - the gasoline in your car may contain up to 10% ethanol
and much much more.
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Nicotine Facts
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