My mother smokes in our house and refuses to quit. It is disgusting. I hate smoke and i hate her selfishness!!
I am a 14 year old girl. I live with my family: dad, mom, sister-20 years old, brother-17 years old, 4 cats, and a dog. My mother smokes constantly and everyone in the house is sick and tired of the constant smoke ruining our skin, lungs, body. It is completely disgusting and I can not stand it. Also, I am the only person in my house that can not drive, so my mom usually drives me places and she smokes in the car. I try talking to my mom about her smoking but she completely refuses to even do that. I have no idea what to do about any of it. She makes it so difficult to live and to like her. She knows she is killing herself and everyone in the house but truthfully, she seems not to care. Sometimes I get really angry when she's smoking and do crazy stuff to bring her attention to her smoking issue. Once I cut up 5 packs of cigarettes and poured them in her bed (my mom and dad don't sleep together). Also, I threw her ashtray into the street once (damn thing doesn't break). Please help! :(
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Other than the smoking issue, what is your relationsip with your mother? Is it close, normal, estranged? Have you tried tough love or is that a direction you don't want to go? Is there something about you that your mother would miss is it was no longer there? I don't know how your other family members are addressing this issue, if at all. Sometimes a joint effort is a viable option. Always keep in mind that it is an addiction that she is dealing with and it may not be that she doesn't care she simply can't cope with quitting. Everytime she asks you the question "What would you like" when it comes to your birthday or the holidays answer that you would like for her to at least try quitting smoking. When I examine my life I find that there are things about me that irritates others. I have offered to quit one of mine in exchange for one of anothers. There are plenty of odor removal products and many are on time releases to help keep a cleaner air in the house. Yes, second hand smoke has been proven to be harmful; however our bodies can combat some pretty bad stuff if we stay healthy. So exercise, eat the right foods, and get the proper amount of rest. I have a brother who deals with excess alcohol usage.
Yes, it makes it hard to like him at times. But family is family. Keep trying to cope, and be innovative in your quest, but my personal view, don't use destroying her items as a way to make a point. As you have seen, it doesn't work anyway. It is easy to love the lovable, as a test of character, keep working with those who are not.
In order to get cigarette smoke out of a car, make sure to give the car a full interior detail before using an odor bomb in conjunction with air ...
Need help with odor removal please - Auto Geek Online Auto ...
I am looking into purchasing a "Electro-Gen Thermal Fogger" to use for odor removal in cars. I would be using this for mainly cigarette smoke, and mildew smell. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about how ...
How to eliminate cigarette smoke odor from your vehicle ...
Removing cigarette smoke odor from your vehicle requires all interior surfaces to be cleaned, either professionally or at home. The level of intensity depends on which way you choose to get it removed. A car with terribly bad ...
how to remove cigarette smell from car. Page about .
Shampoo. how to remove cigarette smell from car The car's interior,. 6 Added X 26.10.2012. Smoke odor removal can be done the supplies listed the large bowl. Smoke odor removal can be done distilled white vinegar into . So first how to ...
Cigarette smoke removal | Активность | BAZA163
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About remove smell of cigarette smoke - Enables air that has use. ... Metastasize remove smell of cigarette smoek remove cigarette smoke odors. remove smell of cigarette smoke And that cancer can replace cigarette lighter in car. July 18 ...
How To Remove Cigarette Odor From Your Car (Keeping Your Car ...
If want to kill the stale odor of cigarette smoke in your car, don't use an air freshener. The chemicals in commercial air fresheners can cause irritation to your skin, eyes and respiratory system and cover up odors rather than removing them.
Removing Cigarette Smoke Odors from a Car | ThriftyFun
This guide is about removing cigarette smoke odor from a car. Cigarette smoke permeates many materials of a car's interior, making it a challenge to remove the smell.
how to remove cigarette odor from car. Page about Has young.
Last comments. "Or at least his smoke, must go. This may seem like a no-brainer, but smokers don't is the source of the odor and that in to remove car how odor cigarette from order to get rid odor flavored clove cigarettes. " ...
Ozone Treatments Kill Bacteria & Eliminate Odors in
Cigarette smoke and pet dander are frequently blamed for lingering odors in cars, but there are other less obvious culprits as well. For example, babies are notoriously messy creatures too, ... Odor Removal for my car. Because Ozone 3 is such a strong oxidant, it sneaks past your seats' leather or cloth exterior easily and gets to the most likely source of the odor, all the while killing any bacteria or mold in its path. Usually an Ozone treatment will take as little as twenty or ...
Removing Cigarette Smoke Odor from Leather | ThriftyFun
This is a guide about removing cigarette smoke odor from leather. Cigarette ... Cigarettes equal new bikes, new shoes, summer camp, Automobile tires, car insurance, eye glasses, music lessons, and much, much more.