What is bad to smoke if you're on birth control?
I know that smoking cigarettes is bad, but does smoking weed increase the risks for blood clots, etc. when you're on the pill?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
I'm not sure. I do know that cigarettes are much worse for you than weed is, but I don't know if smoking marijuana while on birth control puts you at higher risk for health problems. I don't think it would though.
Cigarettes Are Addictive -- Once You Start Smoking, It Is Almost Impossible To Stop / Video. From the public domain. A recent Zogby poll found ...
Smoking Rots The Brain, Study Says
As if lung cancer and deteriorating teeth weren't enough, here's another reason to avoid cigarettes: They could be rotting your brain. According to the BBC, ... Pleasedontdelete: This Just In! Smoking Is Bad For You! NEXT!
Question for anyone! - Tortoise Forum.Org
I was just thinking back to my freshmen year of high school in health class when my teacher would always say "Cigarettes are bad for you blah blah blah" while sitting in his chair eating some McDonalds... Now, what do you think is worse health wise ... Ultimately, my grandma died in her 50s from cigarette smoke and I know of obese people who risk dying at a similar age, but health risks aren't all about death but a decreased quality of life. I think it would take a very wide-scale study to ...
The Hartford Informer > You do you, I'll do me
Everyone knows how bad smoking is for you. If someone tries to argue that smoking cigarettes aren't bad for you, they have no clue what they are talking about. Tests have proven that smoking causes lung cancer among ...
This is your brain on smoking – The Chart - CNN.com Blogs
This is your brain on smoking. That cigarette may be doing more damage than meets the eye. If you've been smoking for an extended period of time, you're likely familiar with at least some – if not all – of the bodily symptoms associated with smoking, including but certainly not limited to: Cravings, ... Those with high BMI, blood pressure, or stroke risk scores performed worse on cognitive tasks, but those results varied more widely across the three objective tests.
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Page about is smoking 5 cigarettes a day bad. All text about Cigarette from someone . into your mouth you know. Alternatively,. ingredient in cigarette.
The E Cigarette: A Way to Smoke and Stay Healthy | My Six Strings ...
Ever wondered if you could possibly smoke and stay wholesome at the same time? Well you can when you switch to an e-cigarette. A E cigarette is much healthier. ... When a woman smokes an E cigarette, they retain their own perfumes, and never have to change their garments because of the bad smoking cigarettes smell. A man doesn't enjoy kissing a female who reeks of cigarette, and has stained yellowish teeth and that is exactly why women leave their particular ...
Research Finds Effects of Hookah Smoking Worse Than Cigarettes
You know how people always say that smoking hookah is not as harmful as smoking cigarettes? Well, they're wrong. Inhaling that strawberry-scented tobacco with your friends is actually worse than smoking cigarettes.
is smoking weed as bad as smoking cigarettes. Page about Ignore ...
Page about is smoking weed as bad as smoking cigarettes. All text about There really isn't a person all the. genetic denim shane cigarette.
Socializing is Friendlier with Electronic Cigarettes! | EverSmoke Blog
People and smoke don't mix. There are far less people who smoke now more than ever, and the vast majority of nonsmokers are anything but interested in breathing in tobacco smoke. Since it kills, and is really bad for you, ...
Smoking Cigarettes – Bad Habit or Physical Addiction? | OMG! Ghana
Smoking Cigarettes – Bad Habit or Physical Addiction? ... That's just one single cigarette. So you can probably see why a smoker has such problems quitting. They have to deal with both breaking the habit (the obsession), and ...