What is the proper way to address an invitation for a couple living together?
My live in boyfriend received a wedding invitation from one of his closest friends addressed to "Bob Smith and GUEST". I believe that this was completely inappropriate and should have been addressed to Bob Smith and Mary Johnson!!
These "friends" are very well aware that we live together and also aware that I already feel that they have no social skills - especially the one and only time I went out with this couple they smoked cigarettes in the car without even asking me if I minded (I am an ex-smoker and now have severe asthma and breathing problems).
I dont want to go and kind of want to tell my boyfriend to go with GUEST>>>>>
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Shannon, I'm sorry for the terrible answers that you've gotten thus far.
Etiquette says that if it's a couple living together romantically, you address the envelope to both people. According to most reputable etiquette books, the invite would look one of these ways:
(Outer Envelope):
Mr. Theodore Adams
Ms. Shannon Smith
555 Main St
Anytown, CA 98222
(Inner Envelope)
Mr. Adams and Ms. Smith
If your name came first in the alphabet, it would be the opposite:
Ms. Shannon Adams
Mr. Theodore Smith
And in either order, there would be no "and" because you are not married.
This is the CORRECT way to do it. Anything different is a deviation from what is proper. Sounds like they didn't even bother to look it up. They'll probably have a cash bar and a money dance, too, so make sure to bring your pocketbook. I don't think it's petty at all to be perturbed. There is too little formality anymore in weddings and in life. Two extra words could have at least made them appear thoughtful. Sigh.
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