Would obesity be such a problem if food products & programmes were banned from TV channels like tobacco ads r?
If you get the chance, see Jamie Oliver's Eat to Live programme. It is terrifying how hard it is to eat sensibly if you do not have time to cook every night because you are working. The problems stem from the 1950s with the beginning of frozen/processed foods - which hide suger and salt in their food. Their example, a frozen pizza which had 6 teaspoons of salt and triple that of suger. We have got so used to our stuff being sweeter that we no longer realise how sweet it is. There is nothing wrong with a bit of salt 'to taste' ie, a pinch. Also, whereas in the past things such as pies and sausages had a high proportion of 'proper' meat - with a sausage containing 70% meat which meant it was better for you and more filling and breadcrumbs, flavourings such as herbs which meant that very little salt was added. now the average sausage contains only about 35% meat (the cheaper it is the less meat it contains). This meat can include ears, nose genitals, arseholes - anything that cannot be used elsewhere. The bulk is made up of rusk, bad oils, lots of salt - to bring out any flavour that is there but is not as filling. Therefore, more is eaten to get the same result.
I do not think it is the programmes that should be banned but the use of chemicals and substandard products in the food we eat.
It is a mad world when you can go in a coffee bar and buy a fat and calorie loaded coffee that has 700 - 800 calories - more than a KFC meal! Maybe these fast food restaurants and bad frozen/processed foods should have an 'eating this can lead to serious health problems sign in large letters in their windows and on their packaging - in the same way that cigarettes do.
I've only just started to take the warnings seriously - I had high blood pressure which was causing me nasty problems and can't believe how hard it is to find healthy food which is quick to prepare - even the quick stir fry sauces are bad! The awful thing is that you can be fairly slim and feel healthy but the damage to your insides is still being done and you will not realise until it is too late.
Unfortuately, these foods are the cheapest to buy so those in most need of good, nutritional food find that they cannot afford them.
Doubt it, I do believe in a fat TAX though, if they upped the tax on fatty foods and reduced it on healthy foods, I think this would make a difference.
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