I'm on the nicotine patch to quit smoking but i occasionally smoke Hookah. Is that safe to do?
I am really disgusted and can not wait until i can look back and say that I've been cigarette free! I do hang out at hookah bars and although smoking cigarettes are not allowed inside it is a hookah bar and i do smoke hookah (flavored tobacco) will this give me any side effects because I'm on the nicotine patch?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Yes it is safe to do...shisha contains minimal traces of nicotine and tar making it impossible to "overdose". Being around cigarettes might make you want to start up again, but smoking hookah shouldn't have any effect that will make you want to start smoking cigarettes again.
DAY 5 - 10-16-09: PLEASE SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES WITH US, TO HELP US ALL in the battle to QUIT SMOKING these cigarettes. Thank You I had to stop ...
Top 10 Dangers of Nicotine Patch | Help To Quit Smoking | Help To ...
Here are the top 10 side effects of nicotine patch: Skin irritation that ranges from mild to severe. In worst cases, the irritation last for four days and the affected area becomes swollen, itchy and reddish. Chest pain (also called angina); Nausea ...
MedicalDatabase: Nicotine patch
Side effects of nicotine patch depends on: nicotine dose, duration of use, method of application and individual characteristics (predisposition to skin reactions at the patch application). Side effects of nicotine patch refer to: ...
Nicotine Patch Side Effects
Some of the common side effects of the nicotine patch include sleep problems, skin irritation, and nausea. In most cases, reactions to this medicine tend to be minor and easily treated. However, there are also some problems that are potentially ...
New E-cigarette Store Faces Resistance from West End Business ...
patching... Nicole Ely. Editor Nicole Ely nicole.ely@patch.com .... "It's more a device for people who enjoy smoking, but don't want all the bad side effects, like smelly hair or breath." Blackout curtains shroud Digital Ciggz's ...
Nicotine Replacement Therapy Effectiveness -- Natural Health Blog
In the case of the nicotine patch and the gum, a host of side effects might discourage users early on. Nicotine Replacement Therapies can cause a variety of problems, particularly gastrointestinal difficulties and significant ...
Tobacco And Health Effects: Nicotine Patches and Gum to Quit ...
According to the American Lung Association, side effects with the nicotine patch are: Headache; Dizziness; Upset stomach; Weakness; Blurred vision; Vivid dreams; Mild itching and burning on the skin; Diarrhea. Yes, nicotine does have an ...
Quitting Smoking With the Nicotine Patch | ALL CAN QUIT SMOKING
The patch is designed, like other NRTs, to provide the smoker with an infusion of nicotine into the bloodstream. In theory, it should alleviate many of the withdrawal side-effects. The absorption of nicotine through the skin ...
Nicotine Patches' Comparison to the E Cig | Healthcare Updates
By attaching the transdermal patch, individuals can still get a nicotine fix while avoiding the toxic and carcinogenic chemicals that are often associated with tobacco smoke. Just some of the side-effects connected with nicotine ...
Nicotine patches can improve the memory of older people ...
“People with mild memory loss should not start smoking or using nicotine patches by themselves, because of the harmful effects of smoking and a medication such as nicotine should only be used with a doctor's supervision,” said lead scientist Dr Paul Newhouse, from Vanderbilt University School of ... When i brought this to the attention of my pharmacist over 30 years ago he assured me this was not a 'known side effect' It is now documented in the side effects.
What Ever Are The Side Effects, They Hate To Say Good Bye To ...
Some people eventually stopped using nicotine gums, the patches and other techniques maybe because which in turn would even eliminate the harmful chemical substances you produce with cigarettes. In addition, the ...