How come I can legally kill myself smoking cigarettes yet?
I can't smoke a natural herb that has minimum to no negative health effects?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
"Minimum health effects" is a lie that stoners tell themselves so they don't feel so bad, then they wonder why they can't get it up anymore. Still, it's not as bad for you as cigarettes, so you do have a point. Historically, tobacco was actually thought to have positive health effects and an entire industry grew up around that idea. By the time people realized how bad it really was, the tobacco industry was a giant that nobody could stop. Today the cigarette industry spends millions and millions of dollars on lobbyists, advertising, and political campaigns, all aimed at keeping cigarettes on the shelves and on the minds of consumers. On the other hand, Marijuana never had that "healthy" romanticism built up around it. People viewed it as something that might make you crazy or insane.....smoke too many marijuana cigarettes and you might end up murdering someone. They were as misinformed about marijuana as they were about cigarettes. It was outlawed and remains so to this day; old habits die hard. So to answer your question, cigarettes are legal and marijuana is illegal because policy makers in the past did not have accurate information about their true effects.
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Taxing cigarettes saves lives— Maryland Health Care for All Coalition
higher cigarette prices to decide that the health risks of continued smoking aren't worth it. And you can be certain that teens priced out of the market by higher taxes will one day be thankful for their good fortune. However cool ...
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Judge orders tobacco firms to say they lied about smoking dangers ...
The statements Kessler chose included five categories: adverse health effects of smoking; addictiveness of smoking and nicotine; lack of significant health benefit from smoking cigarettes marked as "low tar," "light," etc.; ...
Ruling forces big tobacco to admit they lied | Local & Regional News ...
... of smoking." Each ad must also disclose specific adverse health effects caused by cigarette smoke. ... He added that this is a tiny step for tobacco companies, and he wishes the marketing of cigarettes was better curtailed. | Australia readies for first plain pack cigarettes
The research looked at the impact of Australia's health warnings on cigarette packages, which for years have included graphic images depicting health issues arising from smoking. Its study of 4,500 smokers in Victoria state ...
E-Cigarettes- Health or Hazard? | XEO E-Cigarette
But whatever information is available at present it can be safely concluded that electronic cigarettes are certainly a less toxic alternative of conventional cigarettes and are causes fewer health hazards for both active…
Dangers of Smoking Tobacco – E-Cigarette Alternatives - Nuvocig ...
Inhaling second-hand smoke can cause adverse health effects when done on a regular basis. Studies show that non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke either at home or work increase their risk of developing ...
Weighing Health Risks: Cigarettes VS E-cigarettes
The rise in popularity of E-cigarettes has caused many scientists to research the health benefits of these devices. While manufacturers claim that these devices are less harmful than traditional cigarettes, these claims have ...
As cigarette taxes go up, heavy smoking goes down | Newsroom ...
For example, Cavazos-Rehg says heavy smokers are more likely to develop serious health problems that could provide an extra incentive to quit or to cut back. Plus, heavier smokers are more likely to get encouragement to ...