What is the most addicting thing about slushies?
I'm excruciatingly bored and started thinking about why everyone is addicted to slushies. I am wondering what it is about a slushie people are addicted to. Is it something found in the slushie like the nicotine in cigarettes?
What is a slushie's nicotine?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
The flavor. They are just so damn tasty
Cigarettes affect the body by causing emphysema, heart disease and cancer of the mouth, larynx, throat and lungs. Nicotine from cigarettes also ...
Researchers find why nicotine in cigarettes may relieve anxiety in ...
49616_web.jpg. This image illustrates how nicotine in cigarette smoke may reduce anxiety by blocking the activity of the high affinity beta2 subunit containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Credit: Image courtesy of Darlene ...
Researchers find why nicotine in cigarettes may relieve anxiety in ...
Researchers find why nicotine in cigarettes may relieve anxiety in smokers 9, 2012) – Preclinical data suggests inactivation of a specific sub-class of nicotinic receptors may be an effective strategy to help smokers quit without ...
Why nicotine in cigarettes can relieve anxiety in smokers В« Soft ...
ScienceDaily: Anxiety News Why nicotine in cigarettes can relieve anxiety in smokers Preclinical data suggests inactivation of a specific sub-class of nicotinic receptors may be an effective strategy to help smokers quit without ...
Why nicotine in cigarettes relieves anxiety in smokers found ...
Washington, Nov 09: Inactivation of a specific sub-class of nicotinic receptors may be an effective strategy to help smokers quit without feeling anxious, a new study has found. According to researchers from the Virginia ...
Judge: Tobacco Companies Have To Admit They Deceived Public ...
(SA_Steve). In 2006, a U.S. District Court judge in Washington ruled that Big Tobacco had violated federal racketeering laws and engaged in a long-term scheme to deceive the public about the risks of smoking and nicotine's ...
Socializing is Friendlier with Electronic Cigarettes! | EverSmoke Blog
... restaurant, club, the movies, or just taking a stroll down a busy avenue, electronic smokes won't offend anyone, and they will enable you to still have your nicotine. E-cigarette accessories, like the Personal Charging Case, ...
Cravings For Cigarettes and Nicotine Part 1 of 2 : The Basic ...
In this first installment of "the good quit, road to recovery" series of You Tube clips, I talk about the basic physiology behind cravings for nicotine and cigarettes.
What Is Nicotine? | E Cigarette News | E Cig Blog | White Cloud E Cigs
Smoking tobacco cigarettes is bad for you. It can cause different forms of cancer, a plethora of respiratory conditions and destroys most of your senses. Several government and privately funded agencies have done an ...
Pure Nicotine and Electronic Cigarettes: What's the risk?
Old fashioned drug bottle. Michael Bedford had bought the bottle online. He swallowed two spoonfuls from the bottle at a party. Shortly after, he became ill, started slurring his words and vomiting. He was taken to hospital, ...
Comparison Between Electronic Cigarettes and Normal Tobacco ...
Standard and electronic cigarettes are related in that both consist of nicotine but the similarities finish there, as the composition and managing of the nicotine by the two cigarettes do differ. E-cigarettes are made so that liquid nicotine is ...