What can I substitute for smoking in the car?
I just quit smoking for New Year's and I need something to do in the car besides smoke - and NOT candy! I don't want the weight gain or the cavities. Thanks!
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
I actually held and mimicked smoking with a cigarette. I have no will power but never lit it. i amazed myself. However that not for everyone. The e-cigs like blu with no nicotine is what I use now and still smoke free after 145 days, good luck.
Theres also a product called smoke free that is a cig made from coco leaves and you light it and smoke it but has no nicotine.
To buy smoke free cigs only online
or e-cigs
From the #1 electronic cigarette review site on the web. Full review of Blu Cigs at: www.electroniccigarettereview.com Video includes un-boxing ...
Blu Cigs Reviews
Using Blu Cigs – As good as the real thing? I'm a Marlboro man so opted for the Classic Tobacco flavor in full flavor strength, but you can choose from light, ultra-light or even non-nicotine. I smoke 20 a day, more at the weekend, so I guess you ...
Blu Cigs
For optimal performance, fully charge the batteries and blu pack before using blu. Attach a new flavor cartridge to the battery. Press blu to your lips and inhale. The blue LED light at the tip glows like a real cigarette to let you ...
blu Electronic Cigarettes | E-Cigarette Questions | Blucigs.com
The tip of a blu electronic cigarette is blue in color to alleviate any concerns people may have that you are smoking a real cigarette in areas where traditional cigarettes are not typically allowed. The blue light lets them know ...
E-Cig Review: blu
Even better is realizing that the price for the replacement cartomizers is $13 or less per pack of 5. Blu will tell you that each cartomizer equals about 1 pack of cigarettes, however, it is my experience that it's really more like 2.
Video: Stephen Dorff's blu-cig cigarette commercial is hilarious
You know I'm able to hold the bluв„ў just like a normal cigarette, I just don't have to light it, I don't have to smell the fumes. I don't have to bother other people. If I want to smoke in a restaurant I can do that. Some people might ...
E Cig Charger | Blu Cigs Most Famous Battery Charger , How To ...
Couple that with Blu's free shipping dell d630 battery hp 530 battery on USPS offer, and you have yourself an incredible deal.There is one drawback, however. Many Blu Cigs smokers say that the LED light on it doesn't do a ...
Traditional Cigarettes With Tobacco Generate Nicotine And Tar ...
LED light Indicators The moment the smoker starts drawing on the electronic cigarette the LED light at the end of the cigarette which turns of the product they produce, and they don't expect to be having to replace any. ... reasons why the blu cigs reviews always top the charts: Best Electronic Cigarette Most smokers across the globe can actually relate to the blu cigs prove to be more cost-effective than the price that's related to shopping for regular packs of cigarettes.
Blu Cig PCC…. “ITS BEEN RECALLED”!!!!! - A Electronic Cigarette.
lol u hadп»ї to put the light in our face. quicksilv3r1984 says: August 24, 2012 at 9:25 pm. buythem hereп»ї 59.99 quicksilv3r(.)com/blu. RTAbombshell says: August 24, 2012 at 9:53 pm. yeah no kidding cigarettes have have toxicп»ї ...
Science Behind Electronic Cigarettes | blu Cigs | Blucigs.com
At blu Cigs, our electronic cigarette cartridges are available in a variety of flavors and strengths, including full-flavored, light, ultra-light, and non-nicotine. Atomizer – The atomizer is the heating device that vaporizes the flavor solution and turns ...
The Blu Cigs electric cigarette | pyjama5throat
Could it have been the neat little blue light in the tip in the cigarette or maybe it turned out as a result of all of the good stuff I heard of it. I am not really sure, know. But, I did so test it and that's the only goal! The Blu electronic ...