Why do so many women smoke those very long narrow cigarettes?
Is it just me, or are those cigarettes some women are smoking getting longer and longer? Soon I think there will be some women smoking foot-long cigarettes. If I pass them by on the street, they look like they are showing off with their cigarette. It seems men seldom ever smoke the long ones. Why do women prefer those long cigarettes?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
I would say it's because somehow they've missed all those thousands of news articles about smoking possibly being bad for your health.
I would guess that some people like everything in their life to be trendy and fashionable, so perhaps they see this as modern, glamorous or attractive, rather like long fingernails.
A woman smokes a cigarette in slow-motion.
Smoking Rots The Brain, Study Says
While this study addresses long-term effects of smoking, the inhalation of cigarette smoke often has some much more obvious negative side-effects. According to the National Institutes of Health, smoking causes about 443,000 ...
Why are men and women smoking cigarettes while serving in the ...
(NaturalNews) The following is a recent interview with retired Navy Commander Donald E. Minnich, who smoked during service for 20 years, and who served in three wars, including WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Reporter: "So ...
The E Cigarette: A Way to Smoke and Stay Healthy | My Six Strings ...
Individuals who prefer the E cigarette more are generally women, and there are numerous reasons why. An E cigarette will be harmless and can be smoked cigarettes in public areas, even in the vicinity of children.
Judge Orders Tobacco Companies To Say They Lied About ...
Click "Log in" to publish what you read to Facebook. See what your friends have read on CBS Local sites. Use "Remove" or "Turn off" to disable at any time. File photo of woman smoking. (Credit: Alan Crowhurst/ Getty Images) ... Kessler ruled in that case in 2006 that the nation's largest cigarette makers concealed the dangers of smoking for decades, and said she wanted the industry to pay for “corrective statements” in various types of ads, both broadcast and print.
Secondhand Smoke and Pregnancy Complications -- CDC
The study also included women who smoked cigarettes and similar health problems were associated with that group as well. Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, do not produce secondhand smoke.
New study: Women who quit cigarettes live 10 years longer – The ...
According to a report released Oct. 27 by the University of Oxford, women who quit in their 30s can reverse the damage and add back the portion of their lifespan that went up in smoke. By dropping cigarettes, which contain ...
Who's tougher: Marlboro Man or Chuck Norris?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated one in five adults continue to smoke cigarettes in the United States, inhaling carcinogens each time one is lit. According to a 2010 Surgeon General's report, ... A recent study of a million British women reported in The Lancet, a leading medical journal, found that women who quit smoking before age 40 may live 10 years longer than those who don't quit. The timing may also be right. Quitting ...
pregnant women who smoke cigarettes For underage people ...
About pregnant women who smoke cigarettes - Pay close attention showing much of could be.
Smoke and Mirrors—Cigarettes and your looks - H2U Women
“She has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has filled her niche and accomplished her task; who has always looked for the best in others and given the best she had; whose life was an ...
Study Tells Women: Quit Smoking, Live Longer - Drug Alcohol ...
Annually cigarette smoking kills an estimated 173,940 women in the US; As of 2008, 21.1 million women smoked cigarettes; Female smokers are nearly 13 times more likely to die from emphysema and chronic bronchitis, ...